Going for Gold: Why Work with a Microsoft Gold Partner?

What exactly are the advantages of working with a Microsoft Gold partner?

Taking your first steps towards digital transformation can often be intimidating. Like many other important business decisions, it is crucial to enlist the help of the very best to ensure your success. But what exactly are the advantages of working with a Microsoft Gold partner?

To achieve its Gold partner status, a corporation must meet particular performance requirements, take part in additional company training, and have twice as many certified specialists as a Silver Partner for a given Competency. With these partner specifications in place, your company will receive fantastic tech assistance while benefitting from the guidance of Microsoft Certified IT Experts.

1. The Highest Standard of Delivery 

Achieving the Gold Microsoft partner certification takes more than just fundamental knowledge. It necessitates that a specific percentage of people pass severe examinations that become more difficult with each passing year. This is a continuing process; partners do not become certified once and then stop. They must be current at all times. Once Gold is certified, partners are only certified until their next anniversary date, after which they must continue to earn the certification.

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This translates into two benefits for customers:

  • You may be confident that the experts working on your solution understand what they are doing. Their understanding of the product or technology ensures they know how to make the most of it to meet your requirements.
  • To maintain Gold partner status, Microsoft requires several employees to be certified. As a result, a Gold partner has a vast array of qualified individuals. You can rest assured that many experts are qualified to work with you. 
  • A reality for many companies is that the worst way to derail a project is to lose the only person with the necessary training in the middle of it. That will not happen if you are working with a Gold Partner. More resources mean less wait time and better troubleshooting if your project encounters a snag.

2. Microsoft Partner Assistance With The Latest Software For Your Business

Working with a local partner is a great approach to determining which of the many fantastic Microsoft products available are ideal for your company. Gold partners have verified experts in their competencies and offer the best way to bridge innovation with meeting your specific business requirements.

A partner is an ideal approach to finding the finest solution to accomplish these goals, whether you’re looking for the ideal collaboration tools to bring your team together or you require apps that give you the flexibility to do your job more efficiently.

You may save time and money by having expert insight into the software selection process. Working with the right expertise frees up time spent on exhaustingly long stages of research and comparison, allowing you to focus on other essential tasks within your business.

3. Gain Cloud Access through Microsoft’s Suite of Online Apps and Services

Another compelling reason to work with a Microsoft Partner is the potential to acquire cloud access through Microsoft’s numerous suites of online apps and services. Microsoft SharePoint, one of the many online tools included in the Microsoft 365 suite, is a wonderful tool for keeping your entire team on the same page and efficiently communicating. Microsoft 365 also gives you access to all of your favourite products, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

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New programmes and services are always being introduced to the market, making now an excellent moment to fine-tune what you employ to keep your business running effectively. Furthermore, developing a relationship with a tech firm that will take the time to learn your specific needs and is aware of what Microsoft has in the works is a great way to ensure that you always have the products you require for business success.

4. Have tech support available when you need it the most.

Aside from all of the many product and service options, one of the most crucial elements of working with a reliable Microsoft Partner is having access to tech help when you need it the most. It doesn’t matter if it’s a minor patch or something more extensive; having a team ready to go to keep your business systems working smoothly is critical.

Nobody wants to see their staff sit about waiting for systems to be restored. When you engage with a reputable and well-established partner, you can be confident that problems get resolved quickly and efficiently.

5. Gain Access to Microsoft’s Latest Offerings While Maintaining Productivity

Working with a Microsoft Partner also gives you the chance to stay up to date on the latest Microsoft offerings without losing productivity or needing to travel. 

Most IT firms attend all of the top conferences, workshops, and training programmes to learn the most recent tips and tricks on your behalf. Furthermore, top Microsoft Partners receive additional training and knowledge that is only available to a select set of partners. This offers you all of the benefits without sacrificing valuable time spent on your primary focus: running your business successfully and profitably.

Why Exigy?

There is a long list of Microsoft partners, so why choose us? Here’s why!

Exigy is a leading Microsoft Gold partner in Malta and has been responsible for the successful digital transformation journeys of several key industries both local and international for over 20 years. Our experience in delivering innovative solutions is unmatched.

We are proud of our six gold competencies in:

  • Application Integration
  • Data Analytics
  • Enterprise Resouce Planning
  • Application Development
  • Cloud Platform
  • Cloud Productivity

View our partners page to learn more!

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